2021 Increase in Index Participation
We’re pleased to report that 2021 has seen another increase in Pride in Sport Index (PSI) submissions, across the board.
2021 also saw the introduction of the ‘Community Sports Club’ Pride in Sport Index, whereby a significant number of community sporting organisations have submitted in its first year.
Further, more than 50 community sporting organisation across Australia have expressed their intent to participate in future years, sighting COVID-19 as the challenge in completing a submission this time around.
Larger organisations, such as national and state sporting organisations also cited COVID-19 as the reason they were unable to complete the ‘Standard’ Pride in Sport Index in this period.
Despite the impact of COVID-19, there is an amazing 45% increase in overall submissions for 2021.
This is testament to sporting organisations holding the PSI submission process in such high regard. While it can be an onerous task for some, the vast majority of sporting organisations engaged in LGBTQ inclusion find the submission process vital to the ongoing impact of its social inclusion initiatives.
So, what’s next?
Over the coming weeks, our team of skilled assessors will analyse each PSI submission, and come to an agreement on their final result.
This process is a tedious yet meticulous approach that allows our team to allocate a score that accurately reflects each organisations LGBTQ inclusion work in the 2020 calendar year.
Marking is expected to take most of February to complete, with additional administrative work to then take place prior to the release of results.
When do we get our results?
As is customary, the results for each individual organisation will be made available immediately following the annual Australian Pride in Sport Awards. This will be done via email to the primary contact, as listed on each PSI submission.
Some organisations will be recognised for their achievements at the 2021 Australian Pride in Sport Awards.
When is the Awards Event?
The Australian Pride in Sport Awards will be held on Tuesday 13 April 2021.
Further event details will be released in due course, via our website. Visit www.prideinsport.com.au/awards for more information, and ensure you purchase your tickets to attend this years event.
Now, our team must focus on the task at hand – PSI marking. But we will continue to support our members throughout this process.
If you wish to enquire about Pride in Sport membership, please email us (info@prideinsport.com.au).
Thank you once again to each organisation that submitted.
Kind regards,
The Pride in Sport Team