Swimming Australia teams up with Pride In Sport to increase LGBTQ inclusion
Swimming Australia is pleased to become the newest member of the Australian Pride in Sport program, committing to further develop and enhance the inclusion of LGBTQ people in our sport.
ACON Health’s Pride in Sport program is the only sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist sporting organisations with the inclusion of employees, athletes, coaches, volunteers, officials and spectators with diverse genders and sexualities.
Being a Pride in Sport member means changing practices and working towards a more inclusive, safe and healthy sporting environment for people with diverse sexualities and genders.
Tim Dempster, Interim CEO of Swimming Australia, is excited about the opportunity that Pride in Sport will play when helping promote positive messages and examples around LGBTQ inclusion for swimming in Australia.
“Swimming Australia is pleased to have partnered with Pride in Sport. Swimming is a sport for all and we aim to further our inclusive practices so that everyone feels welcome”, Dempster said.
Data from the Out on the Fields study showed that 80% of people have either witnessed or experienced homophobia in sport, with 75% believing that an openly gay person would not be safe as a spectator at a sporting event.
Data from the National LGBTI Health Alliance showing that LGBTI young people aged 16 to 27 are five times more likely to attempt suicide compared to the general population, with transgender people aged 18 and over nearly eleven times more likely.
Beau Newell, National Program Manager of Pride in Sport Australia, said actual and perceived social exclusion is a leading cause of preventable death in Australia, and creating a much healthier and safer sporting culture for LGBTQ people has never been more important.
“By joining Pride in Sport and working with ACON, Swimming Australia is showing the community that they care about the health and wellbeing of their athletes, and members across the country” Newell said.
“Congratulations to Swimming Australia for leading the way in changing Australia’s sporting culture, to be more inclusive.”
Pride in Sport is Australia’s first and only sexuality and gender diverse sporting inclusion program for the Australian sporting sector.
For more information please contact:
David Alexander, ACON Media and Communications
E: dalexander@acon.org.au T: (02) 9206 2044 M: 0428 477 042